Posted on April 8, 2017

Scraping and Exploration of NSW Food Authority Register of Penalty Notices

There’s been some recent noise around the NSW Department of Primary Industries Food Authority’s naming and shaming of restaurants here. As you can see, there’s a nice embedded table so let’s so how we can scrape out this information and do some exploration.

Juypter notebooks and data

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests"ggplot")

We’re going to use BeautifulSoup to scrape the table data. Upon inspection we can see that this should be fairly easy, as the HTML is fairly standard. We’ll set up a skeleton dataframe and populate this.

url = ""

r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")      
table = soup.find_all("table")

df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['trade_name', 'suburb', 'council', 'penalty_no',
                             'date', 'party_served', 'desc'])

The way our scraper will work is it will iterate through all tables, then iterate through all rows and columns. It will effectively write each row into a row of our dataframe.

for t in table:
    table_body = t.find('tbody')
        rows = table_body.find_all('tr')
        for tr in rows:
            temp = []
                cols = tr.find_all('td')
                href = cols[3].find_all('a')
                for col in cols:
                df = df.append(pd.Series(temp, df.columns), ignore_index = True)
                print("Error reading row.")
        print("Error reading table body.")
trade_name suburb council penalty_no date party_served desc
0 Fail to transport potentially hazardous food u... (NO TRADING NAME) CHATSWOOD Willoughby 3136844078 2016-08-10 CHOI, JUNG DAE
1 Fail to comply with a condition of licence - h... (NO TRADING NAME) NAROOMA Eurobodalla 3120777249 2016-01-05 DON MANUWELLGE DON, ANOMA
2 Sale of unsafe food - sushi (NO TRADING NAME) RYDALMERE Parramatta 3013503947 2016-01-19 PARK, JI YOUNG
3 Fail to maintain the food premises to the requ... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275255 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD
4 Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and eq... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275264 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1504 entries, 0 to 1503
Data columns (total 7 columns):
trade_name      1504 non-null object
suburb          1504 non-null object
council         1504 non-null object
penalty_no      1504 non-null object
date            1504 non-null object
party_served    1504 non-null object
desc            1504 non-null object
dtypes: object(7)
memory usage: 82.3+ KB
df.columns = ["desc", "trade_name", "suburb", "council", "number", "date", "party_served"]
df.number = np.int64(df.number)
desc trade_name suburb council number date party_served
0 Fail to transport potentially hazardous food u... (NO TRADING NAME) CHATSWOOD Willoughby 3136844078 2016-08-10 CHOI, JUNG DAE
1 Fail to comply with a condition of licence - h... (NO TRADING NAME) NAROOMA Eurobodalla 3120777249 2016-01-05 DON MANUWELLGE DON, ANOMA
2 Sale of unsafe food - sushi (NO TRADING NAME) RYDALMERE Parramatta 3013503947 2016-01-19 PARK, JI YOUNG
3 Fail to maintain the food premises to the requ... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275255 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD
4 Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and eq... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275264 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD

Looking good. We’ve scraped out all the data, adjusted the column names and forced the penalty ID to be a number. Interestingly though, on the table we see that each penalty ID links to a seperate page which contains even more information. This will be a little trickier to scrape.

url_2 = ""

df_2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["number", "trade_name", "address", "council",
                                "date_of_offence", "offence_code", "nature",
                                "penalty", "party_served", "date_served",

for id_2 in df["penalty_id"]:
    temp_url = url_2 + id_2
    r = requests.get(temp_url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
    table = soup.find_all("table")
    for t in table:
        table_body = t.find('tbody')
            rows = table_body.find_all('tr')
            temp = []
            for tr in rows:
                    col = tr.find_all('td')
                    column_1 = col[1].string.strip()
                    print("Error in row.")
            print("Error in table body.")
    df_2 = df_2.append(pd.Series(temp, df_2.columns), ignore_index = True)

number trade_name address council date_of_offence offence_code nature penalty party_served date_served issuer
0 3136844078 (NO TRADING NAME) CENTENNIAL AVENUE CHATSWOOD 2067 Willoughby 10-08-16 11338 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to transport potentially hazardous food u... $440 CHOI, JUNG DAE 11-08-16 Willoughby City Council
1 3120777249 (NO TRADING NAME) 2 RIVERSIDE DRIVE NAROOMA 2546 Eurobodalla 05-01-16 11016 - Contravene condition of licence - Indi... Fail to comply with a condition of licence - h... $660 DON MANUWELLGE DON, ANOMA 19-07-16 NSW Food Authority
2 3013503947 (NO TRADING NAME) 33 MARY PARADE RYDALMERE 2116 Parramatta 19-01-16 11318 - Sell unsafe food - Individual Sale of unsafe food - sushi $770 PARK, JI YOUNG 19-05-16 NSW Food Authority
3 3132275255 3 CHIMNEYS 3/63-65 CROWN STREET WOLLONGONG 2500 Wollongong 20-05-16 11339 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to maintain the food premises to the requ... $880 DRB 56 PTY LTD 23-05-16 Wollongong City Council
4 3132275264 3 CHIMNEYS 3/63-65 CROWN STREET WOLLONGONG 2500 Wollongong 20-05-16 11339 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and eq... $880 DRB 56 PTY LTD 23-05-16 Wollongong City Council

We can see that we’ve gotten a lot more information this time. Street address, penalty amounts as well as the specific codes which have been breached. Lets combine our two dataframes and simplify them down so we have a nice dataset to work with.

df_full = pd.merge(df, df_2, on = "number", how = "left", suffixes = ("_basic", "full"))
df_full = df_full.drop(["trade_namefull", "councilfull", "date_of_offence", "party_servedfull"], axis = 1)
df_full["penalty"] = df_full["penalty"].str.replace("$", "")
df_full["penalty"] = np.int64(df_full["penalty"].str.replace(",", ""))
desc trade_name_basic suburb council_basic number date party_served_basic address offence_code nature penalty date_served issuer
0 Fail to transport potentially hazardous food u... (NO TRADING NAME) CHATSWOOD Willoughby 3136844078 2016-08-10 CHOI, JUNG DAE CENTENNIAL AVENUE CHATSWOOD 2067 11338 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to transport potentially hazardous food u... 440 11-08-16 Willoughby City Council
1 Fail to comply with a condition of licence - h... (NO TRADING NAME) NAROOMA Eurobodalla 3120777249 2016-01-05 DON MANUWELLGE DON, ANOMA 2 RIVERSIDE DRIVE NAROOMA 2546 11016 - Contravene condition of licence - Indi... Fail to comply with a condition of licence - h... 660 19-07-16 NSW Food Authority
2 Sale of unsafe food - sushi (NO TRADING NAME) RYDALMERE Parramatta 3013503947 2016-01-19 PARK, JI YOUNG 33 MARY PARADE RYDALMERE 2116 11318 - Sell unsafe food - Individual Sale of unsafe food - sushi 770 19-05-16 NSW Food Authority
3 Fail to maintain the food premises to the requ... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275255 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD 3/63-65 CROWN STREET WOLLONGONG 2500 11339 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to maintain the food premises to the requ... 880 23-05-16 Wollongong City Council
4 Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and eq... 3 CHIMNEYS WOLLONGONG Wollongong 3132275264 2016-05-20 DRB 56 PTY LTD 3/63-65 CROWN STREET WOLLONGONG 2500 11339 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Cod... Fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and eq... 880 23-05-16 Wollongong City Council


Time to dig into the details and see what we can find out from this dataset.

plt.xlabel("Proportion of Penalties")

plt.xlabel("Number of Penalties")

plt.xlabel("Number of Penalties")




Coming out strong we see that Chatswood dominates the suburb infringement, whilst Sydney leads the overall council issuance. In terms of total number of penalties, Hokka Hokka leads the way with 14 penalties in the last year!

plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
plt.xlabel("Number of Penalties")

plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)
plt.xlabel("Number of Penalties")
plt.ylabel("Nature of Offence")



A bit unclear, but we can see that offence code “11339 - Fail to comply with Food Standards Code - Corporation” is the clear winner in number of penalties. Not unexpectedly, restuarant cleanliness and food storage the leaders in infrigements.

plt.ylabel("Cumulative Number of Penalties")

plt.ylabel("Number of Penalties")



We see a pretty large spike in penalties occuring early March 2016! Perhaps there was some sort of Government initiative which drove this, or maybe it was just an unusually bad period of the year. Ideally we could get a longer dataset to draw out some better conclusions on trends in penalty notices.

plt.xlabel("Total Fines ($)")

temp = df_full.groupby(["trade_name_basic"]).sum()
temp["count"] = df_full.groupby(["trade_name_basic"]).count()["penalty"]

plt.scatter(temp["count"], temp["penalty"])
plt.xlabel("Number of Penalties")
plt.ylabel("Total Fines ($)")

plt.ylabel("Number of Penalties")




As expected, there’s a strong lienar trend in the number of penalties received and the total fine amount. We also see that the NSW Food Authority is taking clear lead over the councils in terms of penalty issuance.

We’ll close out for now with an attempt at a word cloud…

from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS

text = df_full["nature"].to_string()
text = str(text.split())

stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)

wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color = "white", max_words = 200, 
                      stopwords = stopwords, width = 2600, height = 1400).generate(text)

plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
