Posted on April 29, 2017

Financial Data Scraping and Analysis - Fundamentals and Prices

There’s a treasure trove of financial data across the internet, but the two key ones that most people are interested in initially are fundamentals and pricing data. Pricing data (not live/tick-by-tick) is extremely easy to acquire from sources like Google Finance and Yahoo Finance API’s, whilst fundamental data is slightly more difficult as it’s often embedded into HTML tables and can’t be directly retrieved.

We’ll explore some different methods for retrieving data from the web, storing data into a MySQL database and then the subseqent retrieval and analysis of the data. All the data and commentary here is purely out of personal interest and is in no way financial advice.

MySQL Server

Before we do anything else, we should setup our MySQL server and two databases for our fundamental data and pricing data. Setting up the server is fairly straightforward and there’s a decent tutorial, check it here.

Once the database is up and running, it’ll give you a nice consistent method for storing data, as well as being able to retrieve it easily.

Scraping Pricing/Securities Data

Full Database Way

There are several tutorials on the web, the one from Quantstart is particularly good as they use SQL in it. With a slight adjustment, we can retrieve S&P data. I’ve added a function below which we can use to pull ASX200 data under the same Quantstart implementation.

def obtain_asx200():
    """Download and parse the Wikipedia list of ASX200 
       Returns a list of tuples for to add to MySQL."""

  # Use libxml to download the list of S&P500 companies and obtain the symbol table
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    url = ""
    s = requests.get(url).content
    df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(s.decode('utf-8')))
    df.columns = df.iloc[0]
    df = df.iloc[1:-1, 0:4]
    symbols = []
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        symbols.append((row["Code"], 'stock', row["Company"], row["Sector"], 'AUD', now, now))
    return symbols

Simple Way to Scrape Financial Pricing Data

If you don’t want to go down the SQL path, and would prefer to keep a unified database in a store like HDF5 or a Pickel, there’s a good tutorial from The Algo Engineer here which I’ve adjusted slightly.

from pandas_datareader import data
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
import requests
import io
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pickle

def update_sp500_list():
    """ Downloads list of S&P500 companeis from Wikipedia.
    Returns a dictionary of sectors and tickers within each sector.
    url = ""
    hdr = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}
    request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers = hdr)
    page = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
    table = soup.find("table", {"class": "wikitable sortable"})
    sector_tickers = dict()
    for row in table.findAll("tr"):
        col = row.findAll("td")
        if len(col) > 0:
            # You can extract more data here from the Wikitable if you like, it has addresses, GICS subsectors etc
            sector = str(col[3].string.strip()).lower().replace(" ", "_")
            ticker = str(col[0].string.strip())
            if sector not in sector_tickers:
                sector_tickers[sector] = list()
    return sector_tickers

def get_ohlc_data(tickers, start, end):
    """ Download ticker data from yahoo-finance.
    Returns a multilevel dictionary with ticker data for each sector.
    sector_data = {}
    for sector, tickers in tickers.items():
        print("Downloading sector: " + sector)
        tmp_data = data.DataReader(tickers, "yahoo", start, end)
        for item in ["Open", "High", "Low"]:
            tmp_data[item] = tmp_data[item] * tmp_data["Adj Close"] / tmp_data["Close"]
            tmp_data.rename(items = {"Open": "open",
                                     "High": "high",
                                     "Low": "low",
                                     "Adj Close": "close",
                                     "Volume": "volume"})
        #Add technical indicators if you please
        #tmp_data["MA"] = MA(tmp_data, 100, "Adj Close") 
        #tmp_data["MOM"] = MOM(tmp_data, 100, "Adj Close")
        tmp_data.drop(["Close"], inplace = True)
        sector_data[sector] = tmp_data
    return sector_data

The above script should run fairly seamlessly, you can then store/deal with your data however you like (HDF5, pickle, csv, etc.). I’ve chosen to use a basic pickling structure, and I’ll show some examples of data you can pull out. A dictionary structure is used, where each sector corresponds to a key, and within each sector the datafield we want corresponds to another key. So our structure is:

  1. Sector
  2. Field (Open, High, Low, Adj. Close Volume)
  3. Ticker time-series
start = datetime(1990,1,1)  
end = datetime.utcnow()    
path = "path/to/data/"
read_or_write = 0 # Flag based on whether we want to update our data or just read from disc.

    sector_tickers = update_sp500_list() #Pull current ASX200/SP500 tickers
    sector_ohlc = get_ohlc_data(sector_tickers, start, end) #Pull yahoo fin data
    pickle.dump(sector_ohlc, open("sector_data.p", "wb"))
    sector_ohlc = pickle.load(open(path, "rb"))

print("Sectors Obtained: " ,sector_ohlc.keys())
Sectors Obtained:  dict_keys(['health_care', 'financials', 'consumer_discretionary', 'consumer_staples', 'industrials', 'information_technology', 'materials', 'real_estate', 'energy', 'utilities', 'telecommunications_services'])

Once we have our data, we can analyse it in any way we want. Below I’ve done some basic plots across all sectors where we can see some historical trends both within sectors and across all sectors

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

test = pd.DataFrame([np.mean(sector_ohlc[sector]["Adj Close"],axis=1) for sector in list(sector_ohlc.keys())]).T
test.columns = list(sector_ohlc.keys())
plt.figure(figsize = (12,8))
plt.legend(test.columns, loc="best")
plt.ylabel("Mean Adj. Close over SP500 Contained in Sector (USD)")
plt.title("Average Adjusted Close Per S&P500 Stock Sector")

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,15))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221, title = "Energy", ylabel = "Adj. Close (USD)")
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222, sharex=ax1, title = "Financials")
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223, sharex=ax1, title = "Utilities", ylabel = "Adj. Close (USD)")
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax3, title = "Industrials")

ax1.plot(sector_ohlc["energy"]["Adj Close"])
ax2.plot(sector_ohlc["financials"]["Adj Close"])
ax3.plot(sector_ohlc["utilities"]["Adj Close"])
ax4.plot(sector_ohlc["industrials"]["Adj Close"])



Scraping Fundamental Data - Good Morning

There’s a great package here which allows us to access an API to download a whole bunch of fundamental data. To work, you simply need to download the scripts into a directory and then import them. It also lets us write to our database really easily, and so we can create a store of fundamental securities data.

The Good Morning package also provides a way for us to write to a database, allowing us to keep a nice store of fundamental data. A scraping script is provided which will pull data for the S&P500, and it’s quite easy to substitute in any list of tickers and pull data. If we open up the good_download file we just need to inpute our database details, whatever list of tickers we want to iterate over, and then run the script.

The Good Morning package is fairly easy to follow, so I’ll focus on the subsequent extraction and analysis of data.

Accessing Fundamentals Database

Our data is stored in a SQL database, so we’ll use pymysql to access it.

import pymysql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Start connection to mysql database
conn = pymysql.connect(host = 'localhost', user = 'username', password ='password', db = 'mstar', port = 3306)

# Initialise sql engine
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost:3306/mstar')

# Execute SQL to retrieve from a table
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
    data = pd.read_sql('select * from morningstar_key_financials_aud;', conn)

with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
    df = pd.read_sql('select * from morningstar_key_profitability;', conn)

df["period"] = pd.to_datetime(df["period"])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9124 entries, 0 to 9123
Data columns (total 17 columns):
ticker                          9124 non-null object
period                          9124 non-null object
revenue_aud_mil                 4441 non-null float64
gross_margin_percent            2944 non-null float64
operating_income_aud_mil        7182 non-null float64
operating_margin_percent        3487 non-null float64
net_income_aud_mil              7194 non-null float64
earnings_per_share_aud          6207 non-null float64
dividends_aud                   1467 non-null float64
payout_ratio_percent            1206 non-null float64
shares_mil                      7419 non-null float64
book_value_per_share_aud        6117 non-null float64
operating_cash_flow_aud_mil     7141 non-null float64
cap_spending_aud_mil            6111 non-null float64
free_cash_flow_aud_mil          7148 non-null float64
free_cash_flow_per_share_aud    4990 non-null float64
working_capital_aud_mil         6503 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(15), object(2)
memory usage: 1.2+ MB

Plotting/Analysis of Fundamentals

dividends = data.groupby(["period"]).mean()["dividends_aud"]

div_rm = dividends.rolling(min_periods=1, center = True, window = 6).mean().dropna()
plt.xlim([min(div_rm.index), max(div_rm.index)])

eps = data.groupby(["period"]).mean()["earnings_per_share_aud"]

eps_rm = eps.rolling(min_periods=1, center = True, window = 3).mean().dropna()
plt.xlim([min(eps_rm.index), max(eps_rm.index)])

bv = data.groupby(["period"]).mean()["book_value_per_share_aud"]

bv_rm = bv.rolling(min_periods=1, center = True, window = 3).mean().dropna()
plt.xlim([min(bv_rm.index), max(bv_rm.index)])




eps = data.groupby(["period"]).mean()
revenue_aud_mil gross_margin_percent operating_income_aud_mil operating_margin_percent net_income_aud_mil earnings_per_share_aud dividends_aud payout_ratio_percent shares_mil book_value_per_share_aud operating_cash_flow_aud_mil cap_spending_aud_mil free_cash_flow_aud_mil free_cash_flow_per_share_aud working_capital_aud_mil
count 120.000000 98.000000 141.000000 113.000000 141.000000 139.000000 91.000000 83.000000 143.000000 131.000000 136.000000 132.000000 136.000000 117.000000 131.000000
mean 1183.816251 25.882255 105.140340 -58.316214 97.141647 -1.970208 0.518721 111.158980 249.893458 6.417518 132.222161 -58.919226 80.218256 -2.782512 35.871756
std 1776.000543 33.253144 406.449570 137.493206 244.636578 8.194562 0.476687 86.110656 219.201638 26.727140 568.094339 158.001655 539.429030 15.867349 915.190192
min 0.000000 -144.700000 -707.000000 -943.100000 -166.500000 -56.887222 0.010000 10.000000 0.000000 -10.022851 -2279.750000 -1232.000000 -2433.125000 -163.756667 -5813.500000
25% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
max 8366.500000 96.800000 1904.333333 106.800000 1147.333333 7.866000 1.870000 714.200000 1064.000000 217.055556 3124.166667 0.000000 2854.555556 14.775000 6672.333333

We can see below some potential issues in our data, with some very large drops in 2001, 2005 and 2008. Obviously before using this data for anything meaningful, we’d want to dive in and see what’s driving these issues. It’s possible that there’s a single stock which is significantly off and causing this.

mean_profits = df.groupby(["period"]).mean()
mp_rm = mean_profits["return_on_invested_capital_percent"].rolling(min_periods=1, center = True, window = 6).mean().dropna()



One of the key uses of fundamental data is in screening a list of stocks for certain characteristics. We can pretty easily apply any type of screen we please to our data.

basic_screener = df.groupby(["ticker"])
basic_screener["return_on_assets_percent"].mean().sort_values(ascending = False)[0:15].plot(kind="barh")


period_screener = df[df["period"] > "2014-01-01"]
period_screener = period_screener.groupby(["ticker"])

screen_average = period_screener.mean()
filtered_average = screen_average[(screen_average["return_on_equity_percent"].values > 15) & (screen_average["return_on_equity_percent"].values <= 100)]
filtered_average.sort_values(by = "return_on_equity_percent",ascending = False)[0:15]#.plot(kind="barh")

tax_rate_percent net_margin_percent asset_turnover_average return_on_assets_percent financial_leverage_average return_on_equity_percent return_on_invested_capital_percent interest_coverage
NAH 7.627500 18.120000 2.665000 47.670000 1.945000 99.335000 99.335000 NaN
BTH NaN 16.765000 1.550000 25.905000 2.190000 98.465000 63.460000 -0.490000
BA 18.882500 5.427500 1.000000 5.407500 61.667500 97.195000 33.695000 21.962500
IPH 21.500000 29.440000 1.133333 35.033333 1.606667 96.136667 55.876667 46.543333
MAR 32.645000 5.132500 1.630000 8.655000 4.510000 88.290000 12.670000 7.775000
GXY NaN NaN NaN 26.490000 1.420000 87.515000 70.555000 5.945000
OKE 22.237500 3.410000 0.590000 1.987500 60.717500 85.675000 6.855000 2.907500
GILD 19.362500 48.240000 0.685000 33.457500 2.772500 85.320000 43.790000 26.755000
OEC 34.736667 2.070000 1.130000 1.962500 18.947500 85.246667 49.836667 2.310000
SHW 30.280000 9.032500 1.897500 17.175000 4.895000 85.242500 35.530000 17.342500
TWD 30.310000 7.225000 4.960000 35.965000 2.267500 81.195000 79.892500 NaN
YUM 26.242500 17.160000 1.260000 18.967500 7.125000 80.910000 23.680000 NaN
IBM 11.165000 14.705000 0.720000 10.567500 7.632500 79.102500 22.482500 29.625000
KAM 30.665000 36.833333 0.800000 36.947500 1.795000 78.170000 NaN NaN
NVO 20.896667 31.953333 1.260000 40.223333 1.990000 77.536667 73.400000 505.383333


Another quick tool I found is binning of our data, we might be interested in a particular subsector of the market and we might want to bin our data into categories. We might, for example, find that a certain sector has a much higher proportion of fundamental ratios being placed into a higher category.

def get_stats(group):
    return {'min': group.min(), 'max': group.max(), 'count': group.count(), 'mean': group.mean()}

bins = [-500, -100, 0, 100, 500]
group_names = ['Very Poor', 'Poor', 'Nil', 'Okay']
data['categories'] = pd.cut(data['earnings_per_share_aud'], bins, labels=group_names)

count max mean min
Very Poor 15.0 -121.31 -269.578000 -458.85
Poor 4178.0 -0.01 -0.694816 -91.93
Nil 1998.0 42.67 0.425676 0.01
Okay 2.0 414.51 327.555000 240.60

Accessing Pricing Data

We’ve got a database of pricing data, split between daily pricing data and some attribute tables (symbols etc). We’ll write some basic SQL, extract the data and apply some basic transformations/analyses to show how easy it is to run quick analysis across some large sets of data.

import pymysql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as psql

db_host = 'localhost'
db_user = 'username'
db_pass = 'password'
db_name = 'pricing'

con = pymysql.connect(db_host, db_user, db_pass, db_name)

Reading a Single Ticker

# Select all of the historic Google adjusted close data for symbol MQG

sql = """SELECT *
         FROM symbol AS sym
         INNER JOIN daily_price AS dp
         ON dp.symbol_id =
         WHERE sym.ticker = 'MQG'
         ORDER BY dp.price_date ASC;"""
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost:3306/pricing')

# Create a pandas dataframe from the SQL query
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
    p_data = pd.read_sql(sql, con)

Processing a Single Ticker

p_data["price_date"] = pd.to_datetime(p_data["price_date"])
df = p_data.groupby(['price_date', 'ticker']).close_price.mean().unstack()    

plt.plot(df.rolling(180, center=True).std())
plt.plot(df.rolling(360, center=True).std())
plt.plot(df.rolling(360, center=True).mean())

plt.legend(["Price", "6m Rolling Std.", "12m Rolling Std.", "12m Rolling Mean", "1m MOM"], loc = "best")
plt.yaxis("Adj. Price ($)")


Technical Indicators

We can use the talib libray to get some technical indicators for our chosen ticker.

import talib as ta

inputs = {
    'open': np.array(p_data["open_price"]),
    'high': np.array(p_data["high_price"]),
    'low': np.array(p_data["low_price"]),
    'close': np.array(p_data["close_price"]),
    'volume': np.array(p_data["volume"])

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20,15))
plt.suptitle("Technical Indicators", fontsize = 25)

upper, middle, lower = ta.BBANDS(np.array(p_data["close_price"]), 30,2,2)                                
plt.title("Bollinger Bands")

output = ta.SMA(inputs["close"], 50)
plt.title("Simple Moving Average")

slowk, slowd = ta.STOCH(inputs["high"], inputs["low"], inputs["close"], 5, 3, 0, 3, 0) # uses high, low, close by default
plt.title("Stochastic Momentum")

macd, macdsignal, macdhist = ta.MACD(inputs["close"], fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
plt.title("Moving Average-Convergence Divergence")

inphase, quadrature = ta.HT_PHASOR(inputs["close"])
plt.title("Hilbert Transform - Phasor")



Reading in All Tickers Post-2015

con = pymysql.connect(db_host, db_user, db_pass, db_name)

sql = """SELECT *
         FROM symbol AS sym
         INNER JOIN daily_price AS dp
         ON dp.symbol_id =
         where price_date > '2015-01-01';"""
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost:3306/pricing')

# Create a pandas dataframe from the SQL query
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
    p_data_full = pd.read_sql(sql, con)
id exchange_id ticker instrument name sector currency created_date last_updated_date id ... symbol_id price_date created_date last_updated_date open_price high_price low_price close_price adj_close_price volume
0 1 None MMM stock 3M Company industrials USD 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2017-04-16 11:17:25 1 ... 1 2017-04-13 2017-04-16 11:18:05 2017-04-16 11:18:05 189.25 189.86 188.62 188.65 188.65 1256400
1 1 None MMM stock 3M Company industrials USD 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2 ... 1 2017-04-12 2017-04-16 11:18:05 2017-04-16 11:18:05 190.31 190.49 189.40 189.70 189.70 1412600
2 1 None MMM stock 3M Company industrials USD 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2017-04-16 11:17:25 3 ... 1 2017-04-11 2017-04-16 11:18:05 2017-04-16 11:18:05 189.13 190.09 188.99 190.07 190.07 1454200
3 1 None MMM stock 3M Company industrials USD 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2017-04-16 11:17:25 4 ... 1 2017-04-10 2017-04-16 11:18:05 2017-04-16 11:18:05 190.16 190.52 189.31 189.71 189.71 1629100
4 1 None MMM stock 3M Company industrials USD 2017-04-16 11:17:25 2017-04-16 11:17:25 5 ... 1 2017-04-07 2017-04-16 11:18:05 2017-04-16 11:18:05 190.03 190.56 189.52 189.99 189.99 1012300

5 rows × 21 columns


Typically when reading in all of our symbols, we care more about identifying some overarching information from this dataset i.e. filtering this larger dataset to a smaller subset which we can investigate in more detail.

A filter can be anything you deem relevant to choosing a stock of interest, sectors, currency, time, change, etc.

symlist = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(p_data_full["ticker"]), columns=["ticker"])

def filter_combined(prices):
    mean_12m = prices["close_price"].rolling(360, center=True).mean().mean()
    mean_1m = prices["close_price"].rolling(30, center=True).mean().mean()
    std_12m = prices["close_price"].rolling(360, center=True).std().mean()
    std_1m = prices["close_price"].rolling(30, center=True).std().mean()

    vol_12m = prices["volume"].pct_change(periods=12).mean()
    vol_1m = prices["volume"].pct_change(periods=1).mean()
    return mean_1m / mean_12m, std_1m / std_12m, vol_1m / vol_12m
vals = [filter_combined(p_data_full[p_data_full["ticker"] == sym]) for sym in symlist["ticker"]]
vals = pd.DataFrame(vals)
symlist[["mean_filter", "std_dev_filter", "vol_filter"]] = vals
symlist.sort_values(by=["std_dev_filter"], ascending = False)[0:15]
ticker mean_filter std_dev_filter vol_filter
223 ESS 1.001476 0.627439 0.481566
296 HGG 1.011987 0.592418 NaN
146 CNC 1.033845 0.579133 0.379061
469 OSH 1.014487 0.573757 NaN
545 SFR 0.992697 0.573522 NaN
68 AVB 0.994137 0.569020 0.637264
45 AMGN 1.006408 0.564985 0.449691
654 WES 1.011016 0.559084 NaN
311 HUM 1.012941 0.550026 0.404243
273 GOZ 0.998420 0.549429 NaN
614 TTS 1.007085 0.545860 NaN
622 UDR 0.990442 0.533801 0.392167
9 ABP 0.993232 0.530184 NaN
649 WBA 1.003274 0.528790 0.531408
173 CWN 1.011845 0.525692 NaN

Naturally there’s an issue with some of our data, in that our GICS sector codes vary in how they’ve been read into our database. We can apply a fairly easy fix to this.


def replace_all_keys(s, dict):
    for i, j in dict.items():
        s = s.replace(i, j)
    return s

replacement_key = {"consumer_discretionary": "Consumer Discretionary",
                  "health_care":"Health Care",
                  "real_estate":"Real Estate",
                  "telecommunication_services":"Telecommunication Services",
                  "information_technology":"Information Technology",
                  "consumer_staples":"Consumer Staples",

p_data_full = p_data_full.apply(lambda x: replace_all_keys(x, replacement_key))

p_data_sector = p_data_full.groupby(["sector", "price_date"])

plt.figure(figsize = (15,10))
vals = p_data_sector["volume"].mean().unstack(level=0)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0xbd44aecf28>


Areas to Fix/Explore


  • More advanced binning of data analysis, as opposed to just the single factor.


  • Incorporate technical indicators into database, to create filters/signals for stock identification (i.e. if current price is > 200 day SMA etc)
  • Look at gaps in pricing data.