Posted on June 17, 2017

Analysis of Key Fincial Indices, Sectors and Something Extra for Renewable Energy Stocks

I built out this as my own tool to track various things I’m interested in: indices, FX, rates, commodities and specific equities. It leverages various Quandl datasets, as well as my own database of equities data that I’ve accumulated from various sources (check here for set-up of DB).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import quandl

quandl.ApiConfig.api_key = "insert api key here"

Fundamentals Data

This gives me a snapshot of key metrics I’m interested in across various things (DJIA, FX, Bitcoin, Iron Ore etc) via some basis charts, and then some returns analysis. Most data is sourced from various free Quandl databases.

curr_date = pd.datetime(2017,6,17)
start_date = curr_date - pd.DateOffset(years=1)
save_path = "C:\\Users\\Clint_PC\\Google Drive\\General Learning\\Python\\Learning Plan Code\\Finance\\Results Tables\\" 
#[SP500, SP500 VIX, DJIA_VIX, NASDAQ, DAX_future, FTSE100, Nikkei, Shanghai ]
index_quandlcodes = ['CHRIS/CME_SP1.4',
fx_quandlcodes = ['FRED/DEXUSAL',

#[Ave Price, Num Transactions, Market Cap, Total Bitcoin]
bitcoin_quandlcodes = ['BCHARTS/BITSTAMPUSD.7',
#[Crude, Gold, Iron Ore (NYMEX traded 62% Fe, CFR China in $US/metric tonne)]
commodities_quandlcodes = ['CHRIS/CME_CL1.4',

#[USD Long Term, USD10y, ON USDLibor, 1y USD T Bill]
rates_quandlcodes = ['USTREASURY/LONGTERMRATES.1',

#[CDX NA Inv. Grade, CDX NA High Yield]
credit_quandlcodes = ['COM/CDXNAIG',
#aud_quandlcodes = ['RBA/H01.1',
#                  'RBA/G01.1']

all_codes = index_quandlcodes + fx_quandlcodes + bitcoin_quandlcodes + commodities_quandlcodes + rates_quandlcodes + credit_quandlcodes 

equities = ['test', 'test2', 'test3']
renewable_energy_stocks = ['test4', 'test5', 'test6']
vals = quandl.get(all_codes, start_date=start_date, end_date = curr_date)
Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize = (15,20)) fig.suptitle('Indices', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') ax1 = plt.subplot(421) line1 = plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,0].dropna(), label = 'Value') line2 = plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,0].dropna().rolling(30).mean(), label = '30D Rolling Average') ax2 = ax1.twinx() line3 = ax2.plot(vals.iloc[:,0].dropna().rolling(30).std(), 'xr', label = '30D Rolling Stdev') ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") lns = line1+line2+line3 labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax1.legend(lns, labs, loc=0) plt.title('S&P500') plt.subplot(4,2,2) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,1].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,1].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('VIX') plt.subplot(4,2,3) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,2].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,2].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('VXD') plt.subplot(4,2,4) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,3].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,3].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('NASDAQ') plt.subplot(4,2,5) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,4].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,4].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('DAX') plt.subplot(4,2,6) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,5].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,5].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('FTSE100') plt.subplot(4,2,7) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,6].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,6].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('NIKKEI225') fig.delaxes(ax.flatten()[7]) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) ```


Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,15)) fig.suptitle('Credit', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,21].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,21].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('CDX NA Inv. Grade') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,22].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,22].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('CDX NA High Yield') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) ```


Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,15)) fig.suptitle('Rates', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,18].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,18].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('USD Long Term Rates') plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,19].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,19].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('USD 10Y Bond Yield') plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,20].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,20].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('USD 1Y T-Bill') fig.delaxes(ax.flatten()[3]) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) ```


Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,15)) fig.suptitle('Commodities', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,15].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,15].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('NYMEX Oil') plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,16].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,16].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('Gold') plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,17].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,17].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('Iron Ore') fig.delaxes(ax.flatten()[3]) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) ```


Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,15)) fig.suptitle('BTC', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,11].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,11].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('BTC Average') plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,12].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,12].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('BTC # Transactions') plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,13].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,13].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('BTC Market Cap.') plt.subplot(2,2,4) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,14].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,14].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('Total BTC') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) ```


Click to expand

```python fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize = (10,15)) fig.suptitle('FX', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold') plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,7].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,7].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('AUDUSD') plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,8].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,8].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('EURUSD') plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,9].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,9].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('GBPUSD') plt.subplot(2,2,4) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,10].dropna()) plt.plot(vals.iloc[:,10].dropna().rolling(30).mean()) plt.title('JPYUSD') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.97]) fig.savefig(save_path+"FX_"+str(curr_date)[0:10]) ```


results = pd.DataFrame(index=vals.columns, columns = ['Description','Data_Date','Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY'])
results['Description'] = ['S&P500 Futures',
                         'S&P500 VIX', 
                         'DJIA VXD',
                         'Average BTC Price',
                         'BTC # Transactions',
                         'BTC Market Cap.',
                         'Total BTC',
                         'NYMEX Crude Oil',
                         'Iron Ore 62%',
                         'USD Long Term Rate',
                         'USD 10Y Bond Yield',
                         'USD 1Y T-Bill',
                         'CDX NA Investment Grade',
                         'CDX NA High Yield']

for col in vals.columns:
    prices = vals[col]
    prices = prices.dropna()
    last_date = prices.last_valid_index()
    prior_date = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Day(days=1)
    start = prices.index[0]
    week = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Week(weekday=0)
    week = prices.index.get_loc(week,method='nearest')
    month = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BMonthBegin()
    month = prices.index.get_loc(month,method='nearest')
    year = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BYearBegin()
    year = prices.index.get_loc(year,method='nearest')

    close = prices[last_date]
    daily = round((close - prices[prior_date])/prices[prior_date]*100, 3)
    wtd = round((close - prices[week])/prices[week]*100, 3)
    mtd = round((close - prices[month])/prices[month]*100, 3)
    ytd = round((close - prices[year])/prices[year]*100, 3)
    yoy = round((close-prices[start])/prices[start]*100, 3)
    results.loc[col, ['Data_Date', 'Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY']] = [last_date, close, daily, wtd, mtd, ytd, yoy ]
Description Data_Date Spot Daily WTD MTD YTD YoY
CHRIS/CME_SP1 - Last S&P500 Futures 2017-06-15 00:00:00 2434.3 -0.123 0.231 0.177 8.061 17.083
CBOE/VIX - VIX High S&P500 VIX 2017-06-16 00:00:00 11.35 -5.495 -8.246 7.685 -19.332 -43.335
CBOE/VXD - High DJIA VXD 2017-06-16 00:00:00 10.69 -4.383 -22.48 -5.23 -22.983 -41.264
NASDAQOMX/COMP - Index Value NASDAQ 2017-06-16 00:00:00 6151.76 -0.223 -0.384 -1.522 13.311 28.153
CHRIS/EUREX_FDAX1 - High DAX 2017-06-16 00:00:00 12765 -0.375 -0.153 0.54 9.83 31.429
CHRIS/LIFFE_Z1 - High FTSE100 2017-06-16 00:00:00 7489 0.053 -0.676 -1.005 4.829 24.858
NIKKEI/INDEX - Close Price NIKKEI225 2017-06-16 00:00:00 19943.3 0.562 0.174 0.419 1.782 27.844
FRED/DEXUSAL - Value AUDUSD 2017-06-09 00:00:00 0.7532 -0.146 0.709 1.963 4.163 1.991
FRED/DEXUSEU - Value EURUSD 2017-06-09 00:00:00 1.119 -0.241 -0.533 -0.214 7.431 -0.586
FRED/DEXUSUK - Value GBPUSD 2017-06-09 00:00:00 1.2737 -1.561 -1.394 -1.218 3.925 -10.837
FRED/DEXJPUS - Value JPYUSD 2017-06-09 00:00:00 110.61 0.463 0.109 -0.566 -6.008 6.152
BCHARTS/BITSTAMPUSD - Weighted Price Average BTC Price 2017-06-16 00:00:00 2450.92 6.028 -9.918 2.524 141.946 231.684
BCHAIN/NTRAN - Value BTC # Transactions 2017-06-17 00:00:00 269937 -7.916 21.107 -16.073 49.548 0.772
BCHAIN/MKTCP - Value BTC Market Cap. 2017-06-17 00:00:00 4.04131e+10 0.932 -16.729 8.036 150.315 235.993
BCHAIN/TOTBC - Value Total BTC 2017-06-17 00:00:00 1.6395e+07 0.011 0.056 0.19 1.976 4.656
CHRIS/CME_CL1 - Last NYMEX Crude Oil 2017-06-16 00:00:00 44.68 0.995 -2.87 -6.975 -14.847 -7.418
LBMA/GOLD - USD (PM) Gold 2017-06-16 00:00:00 1255.4 0.068 -0.869 -0.747 9.07 -2.735
COM/FE_TJN - Column 1 Iron Ore 62% 2017-06-15 00:00:00 54.51 0.018 -0.475 -10.212 -26.989 7.834
USTREASURY/LONGTERMRATES - LT Composite > 10 Yrs USD Long Term Rate 2017-06-16 00:00:00 2.62 0 -2.602 -3.321 -9.343 22.43
FRED/DGS10 - Value USD 10Y Bond Yield 2017-06-14 00:00:00 2.15 -2.715 -2.715 -2.715 -12.245 32.716
FRED/DTB1YR - Value USD 1Y T-Bill 2017-06-14 00:00:00 1.17 -0.847 0.862 3.54 34.483 138.776
COM/CDXNAIG - value CDX NA Investment Grade 2017-06-15 00:00:00 60.22 2.467 0.333 -0.446 -11.141 -27.253
COM/CDXNAHY - value CDX NA High Yield 2017-06-15 00:00:00 107.48 -0.223 -0.204 -0.232 1.234 5.342
pathres_to_save = save_path + str(curr_date)[0:10] + "_agg.csv"
pathdata_to_save = save_path + str(curr_date)[0:10] + "_data.csv"

This section deals with some equities analysis. I leverage off my databse of equities to perform some high level sector analysis, this gives me a quick overview of what various industries have been doing relative to each other and I can then deep-dive into anything that piques my interest.

import pymysql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as psql

db_host = 'localhost'
db_user = 'username'
db_pass = 'password'
db_name = 'pricing'

con = pymysql.connect(db_host, db_user, db_pass, db_name)

sql_usd = """SELECT *
         FROM symbol AS sym
         INNER JOIN daily_price AS dp
         ON dp.symbol_id =
         where price_date > '2016-01-01' AND currency = 'USD'
         ORDER BY dp.price_date ASC
sql_aud = """SELECT *
         FROM symbol AS sym
         INNER JOIN daily_price AS dp
         ON dp.symbol_id =
         where price_date > '2016-01-01' AND currency = 'AUD'
         ORDER BY dp.price_date ASC

engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://username:password@localhost:3306/pricing')

# Create a pandas dataframe from the SQL query
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
    p_usd_data = pd.read_sql(sql_usd, con)
    p_aud_data = pd.read_sql(sql_aud, con)

AUD Sectors

Here I leverage my AUD dataset to look at stock prices. I adjust based on volume… I would have preferred to have done it by Market Cap but haven’t got around to incorporating that into my scraper yet.

p_aud_data['volume_traded'] = p_aud_data.adj_close_price*p_aud_data.volume
total_marketcap = p_aud_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['volume_traded'].sum()
total_marketcap = total_marketcap.reset_index()  
total_marketcap.columns = ['price_date', 'sector', 'total_volume_traded']
merged_aud_data = p_aud_data.merge(total_marketcap)
merged_aud_data['weighted_price'] =  merged_aud_data['adj_close_price']*merged_aud_data['volume_traded']/merged_aud_data['total_volume_traded']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,8))
fig.suptitle('Unadjusted v Adjusted Volume Weighted Stock Prices', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')

unadj_sectprices = p_aud_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['adj_close_price'].mean()
unadj_sectprices = unadj_sectprices.unstack()
unadj_sectprices.plot(ax=ax[0], legend = False)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Unadjusted Price ($)')

adj_sectorprices = merged_aud_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['weighted_price'].sum()
adj_sectorprices= adj_sectorprices.unstack()
adj_sectorprices = adj_sectorprices.dropna()

ax[1].set_ylabel('Volume Weighted Price ($)')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.5), prop={'size':12})


results_audsectors = pd.DataFrame(index=unadj_sectprices.columns, columns = ['Data_Date','Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY'])

for col in unadj_sectprices.columns:
    prices = unadj_sectprices[col]
    prices = prices.dropna()
    last_date = prices.last_valid_index()
    prior_date = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Day(days=2)
    start = prices.index[0]
    week = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Week(weekday=0)
    week = prices.index.get_loc(week,method='nearest')
    month = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BMonthBegin()
    month = prices.index.get_loc(month,method='nearest')
    year = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BYearBegin()
    year = prices.index.get_loc(year,method='nearest')

    close = prices[last_date]
    daily = round((close - prices[prior_date])/prices[prior_date]*100, 3)
    wtd = round((close - prices[week])/prices[week]*100, 3)
    mtd = round((close - prices[month])/prices[month]*100, 3)
    ytd = round((close - prices[year])/prices[year]*100, 3)
    yoy = round((close-prices[start])/prices[start]*100, 3)
    results_audsectors.loc[col, ['Data_Date', 'Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY']] = [last_date, close, daily, wtd, mtd, ytd, yoy ]
Data_Date Spot Daily WTD MTD YTD YoY
Consumer Discretionary 2017-06-09 00:00:00 11.2737 -0.144 -5.988 -1.477 3.026 15.742
Consumer Staples 2017-06-09 00:00:00 13.2524 -0.561 18.072 -5.876 -2.883 -32.342
Energy 2017-06-09 00:00:00 11.8119 -1.568 -5.164 -4.309 3.019 11.897
Financials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 21.5229 -0.089 10.438 -0.899 1.907 6.242
Health Care 2017-06-09 00:00:00 26.9329 -0.107 -1.552 0.267 22.376 25.649
Industrials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 8.96132 0.283 -8.559 -0.812 13.241 35.912
Information Technology 2017-06-09 00:00:00 7.3155 -0.184 -2.408 -0.469 1.463 15.954
Materials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 9.33486 0.891 3.22 0.913 2.208 45.456
Real Estate 2017-06-09 00:00:00 6.50386 -0.369 -3.879 -3.604 2.136 55.885
Telecommunication Services 2017-06-09 00:00:00 4.3025 0.702 6.147 3.55 -9.563 -29.031
Utilities 2017-06-09 00:00:00 7.982 0.365 -2.978 -5.292 24.915 56.627
results_adjaudsectors = pd.DataFrame(index=adj_sectorprices.columns, columns = ['Data_Date','Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY'])

for col in adj_sectorprices.columns:
    prices = adj_sectorprices[col]
    prices = prices.dropna()
    last_date = prices.last_valid_index()
    prior_date = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Day(days=2)
    start = prices.index[0]
    week = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Week(weekday=0)
    week = prices.index.get_loc(week,method='nearest')
    month = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BMonthBegin()
    month = prices.index.get_loc(month,method='nearest')
    year = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BYearBegin()
    year = prices.index.get_loc(year,method='nearest')

    close = prices[last_date]
    daily = round((close - prices[prior_date])/prices[prior_date]*100, 3)
    wtd = round((close - prices[week])/prices[week]*100, 3)
    mtd = round((close - prices[month])/prices[month]*100, 3)
    ytd = round((close - prices[year])/prices[year]*100, 3)
    yoy = round((close-prices[start])/prices[start]*100, 3)
    results_adjaudsectors.loc[col, ['Data_Date', 'Spot', 'Daily', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY']] = [last_date, close, daily, wtd, mtd, ytd, yoy ]
Data_Date Spot Daily WTD MTD YTD YoY
Consumer Discretionary 2017-06-09 00:00:00 17.4852 -13.385 -0.893 -10.008 13.229 3.063
Consumer Staples 2017-06-09 00:00:00 25.0601 6.979 92.76 -18.096 -7.165 9.286
Energy 2017-06-09 00:00:00 17.3026 -3.792 -4.748 -3.941 29.104 -4.311
Financials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 38.5179 6.569 -0.214 6.104 -0.031 7.166
Health Care 2017-06-09 00:00:00 84.7876 -8.615 1.844 -1.168 49.879 55.14
Industrials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 8.70551 -5.145 -13.527 -9.584 -8.031 5.921
Information Technology 2017-06-09 00:00:00 8.70933 -1.757 -2.608 -8.475 2.295 3.455
Materials 2017-06-09 00:00:00 17.466 8.354 -5.28 1.476 5.38 26.412
Real Estate 2017-06-09 00:00:00 6.55767 1.143 -0.893 3.349 -1.541 21.346
Telecommunication Services 2017-06-09 00:00:00 4.28168 1.674 1.294 -2.579 -15.936 -24.512
Utilities 2017-06-09 00:00:00 16.2257 -2.395 -4.747 11.369 56.829 73.865

USD Sectors

p_usd_data['volume_traded'] = p_usd_data.adj_close_price*p_usd_data.volume
total_marketcap = p_usd_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['volume_traded'].sum()
total_marketcap = total_marketcap.reset_index()  
total_marketcap.columns = ['price_date', 'sector', 'total_volume_traded']
merged_usd_data = p_usd_data.merge(total_marketcap)
merged_usd_data['weighted_price'] =  merged_usd_data['adj_close_price']*merged_usd_data['volume_traded']/merged_usd_data['total_volume_traded']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize = (10,8))
fig.suptitle('Unadjusted v Adjusted Volume Weighted USD Stock Prices', fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')

unadj_sectprices = p_usd_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['adj_close_price'].mean()
unadj_sectprices = unadj_sectprices.unstack()
unadj_sectprices.plot(ax=ax[0], legend = False)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Unadjusted Price ($)')

adj_sectorprices = merged_usd_data.groupby(['price_date', 'sector'])['weighted_price'].sum()
adj_sectorprices= adj_sectorprices.unstack()
adj_sectorprices = adj_sectorprices.dropna()

ax[1].set_ylabel('Volume Weighted Price ($)')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.5), prop={'size':12})


sectors = p_usd_data.groupby(['sector', 'subsector']).count()

array(['asset_management_&_custody_banks', 'consumer_finance',
       'diversified_banks', 'financial_exchanges_&_data',
       'insurance_brokers', 'investment_banking_&_brokerage',
       'life_&_health_insurance', 'multi-line_insurance',
       'multi-sector_holdings', 'property_&_casualty_insurance',
       'regional_banks', 'thrifts_&_mortgage_finance'], dtype=object)

Renewable Energy Stocks

Here I run some analysis on a renewable energy stocks. I first parse some in from Wikipedia, and then use an adapted Yahoo-API to pull in all the relevant data. Note that the Yahoo-API has been officially discontinued as at May-2017, so this process likely won’t last for long.

import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
import io
import requests
from math import ceil

# Function to pull table from Wikipedia containing Renewable Energy Companies
def obtain_parse_wiki_renewables():
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    url = ""
    request = urllib.request.Request(url)
    page = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
    table = soup.find("table", {"class": "wikitable sortable"})  
    symbols = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Company", "Exchange", "Exchange_Ticker", "Stock_Ticker", "IPO_Date", "Industry"])
    for row in table.findAll("tr"):
        col = row.findAll("td")
        if len(col) > 0:
                company = str(col[0].find("a").string.strip()).lower().replace(" ", "_")
                exchange = str(col[1].find("a").string.strip()).lower().replace(" ", "_")
                exc_ticker = str(col[2].findAll("a")[0].string.strip())
                stock_ticker = str(col[2].findAll("a")[1].string.strip())
                if(len(col[3]) == 0):
                    ipo_date = "-"
                    ipo_date = str(col[3].string.strip())
                industry = str(col[4].string.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_"))

                symbols.loc[len(symbols)] = [company, exchange, exc_ticker, stock_ticker, ipo_date, industry]

    return symbols

symbols1 = obtain_parse_wiki_renewables()

C:\Users\Clint_PC\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\bs4\ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.

The code that caused this warning is on line 193 of the file C:\Users\Clint_PC\Anaconda3\lib\ To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this:


to this:

 BeautifulSoup(YOUR_MARKUP, "lxml")


# Dictionary to add Yahoo Finance Exchange codes
yahoo_conv = dict({
   'AIM' :  ".L",
'Athex' : ".AT",
'Euronext' : ".LS",
'GTSM' :"",
'KRX' : ".KR",
'Nasdaq Copenhagen' : "",
'OTC Pink' : "",
'OTCQB' : "",
'TASE' : ".TA",
'TSX' : ".TO",
'TSX-V' : ".CO",
'TWSE' :  ".TW",
'FWD' : ".DE",
'BSE' : ".BSE",
'BMAD' :  ".MC",
'LSE' : ".L",
'OTCBB' : ".OB",
'NYSE' : "",
'NASDAW' : "",
'ASX' : ".AX",
'SEHK' :  ".HK",
'BIT' : ".MI",
'SGX' :  ".SI",
'NZX' : ".NZ" ,
'FWB' : ".DE",
'NASDAQ' :""

# Clean up data from Wikipedia
symbols1.ix[symbols1.Company == 'suntech_power', 'Stock_Ticker'] = 'STPFQ' 
tmp_list = [yahoo_conv[x] for x in symbols1.Exchange_Ticker] # applies conversion so we can access Yahoo Finance API (going to be deprecated)
symbols1['adj_ticker'] = symbols1.Stock_Ticker + tmp_list
Company Exchange Exchange_Ticker Stock_Ticker IPO_Date Industry
0 7c_solarparken frankfurt FWB HRPK - renewables
1 a2z_group mumbai BSE 533292 - solar_thermal
2 abengoa,_sa madrid BMAD ABG - solar_thermal
3 aleo_solar frankfurt FWB AS1 2006 photovoltaics
4 clean_power_investors,_ltd london LSE ALR 2004 renewables
5 alterra_power toronto TSX AXY 2011 geothermal,_hydro,_wind,_solar
6 americas_wind_energy_corporation new_york_city OTCBB AWNE 2006 wind
7 anwell_technologies singapore SGX G5X 2004 photovoltaics
8 ascent_solar_technologies,_inc new_york_city OTCQB ASTI 2006 photovoltaics
9 aventine_renewable_energy new_york_city NYSE AVR - bio_energy
10 ballard_power_systems new_york_city NASDAQ BLDP 1995 fuel_cells
11 brookfield_renewable_energy_partners_lp new_york_city NYSE BEP 1995 hydroelectric,_solar,_wind
12 carnegie_wave_energy,_ltd sydney ASX CCE 1993 wave
13 canadian_solar,_inc new_york_city NASDAQ CSIQ 2006 photovoltaics
14 centrosolar_group,_ag frankfurt FWB C3O 2005 photovoltaics
15 centrotherm_photovoltaics,_ag frankfurt FWB CTN 2007 photovoltaics
16 ceramic_fuel_cells,_ltd sydney ASX CFU 2004 fuel_cells
17 china_power_new_energy hong_kong SEHK 735 1999 wind/hydro/biomass
18 china_sunergy_co,_ltd new_york_city NASDAQ CSUN 2007 photovoltaics
19 comtec_solar_systems_group_limited hong_kong SEHK 712 2009 photovoltaics
20 conergy,_ag frankfurt FWB CGY - photovoltaics
21 clenergen_corporation new_york_city OTCBB CRGE - biomass
22 daystar_technologies,_inc new_york_city NASDAQ DSTI 2004 photovoltaics
23 delsolar_co,_ltd taiwan GTSM 3599 - photovoltaics
24 dongfang_electric hong_kong SEHK 1072 1994 wind
25 dyesol,_ltd sydney ASX DYE 2005 photovoltaics
26 enel_green_power_s.p.a. milano BIT EGPW 2010 renewables
27 enerdynamic_hybrid_technologies_inc. tsx-v TSX-V EHT 2014 wind,_solar
28 energiekontor,_ag frankfurt FWB EKT 2000 wind
29 enlight_renewable_energy_ltd. tel_aviv TASE ENLT - wind,_solar
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
66 renesola,_ltd new_york_city NYSE SOL 2007 photovoltaics
67 renewable_energy_generation,_ltd london LSE RWE 2005 renewables
68 renewable_energy_holdings,_plc london LSE REH 2005 renewables
69 renewable_energy_resources,_inc new_york_city OTCBB RWER 2008 hydro
70 run_of_river_power_inc. tsx-v TSX-V ROR 2005 hydro
71 shear_wind_inc. tsx-v TSX-V SWX 2006 wind
72 sinovel shanghai SSE 601558 2011 wind
73 s.a.g._solarstrom,_ag frankfurt FWB SAG - photovoltaics
74 sma_solar_technology,_ag frankfurt FWB S92 2008 photovoltaics
75 solar-fabrik,_ag frankfurt FWB SFX - photovoltaics
76 solar3d_inc. new_york_city OTCBB SLTD 2010 photovoltaics
77 solarcity_corporation new_york_city NASDAQ SCTY 2012 photovoltaics
78 solarfun_power_holdings_co,_ltd new_york_city NASDAQ SOLF 2006 photovoltaics
79 solarworld,_ag frankfurt FWB SWV 1999 photovoltaics
80 solco sydney ASX GOE 2000 solar_thermal
81 sunedison,_inc. new_york_city NYSE SUNE 1984 photovoltaics/wind
82 sunpower_corporation new_york_city NASDAQ SPWR 2005 photovoltaics
83 sunrun new_york_city NASDAQ RUN 2015 photovoltaics
84 suntech_power new_york_city NYSE STPFQ 2005 photovoltaics
85 suzlon_energy mumbai BSE 532667 2005 wind
86 synex_international toronto TSX SXI 1999 hydro
87 terna_energy athens Athex TENERGY 2009 wind,_hydro
88 tiger_renewable_energy,_ltd new_york_city OTCBB TGRW - ethanol
89 trina_solar,_ltd new_york_city NASDAQ TSL 2006 photovoltaics
90 verenium_corporation new_york_city NASDAQ VRNM - biofuels
91 vestas_wind_systems copenhagen Nasdaq Copenhagen VWS 1998 wind
92 vivint_solar new_york_city NASDAQ VSLR 2014 photovoltaics
93 waterfurnace_renewable_energy,_inc. toronto TSX WFI 2001 geothermal
94 windflow_technology,_ltd wellington NZX WTL 2001 wind
95 yingli_green_energy_holding_co,_ltd new_york_city NYSE YGE 2007 photovoltaics

96 rows × 6 columns

import yahoo_extractor

# Gathers price data from yahoo API using and then calculates summary statistics 
def get_prices(adj_ticker, start_date):
    prices = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date","Adj.Close"])
    # Try to read in data, exit if fail
        data = yahoo_extractor.load_yahoo_quote(adj_ticker, begindate=start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 
                                                enddate ="%Y-%m-%d"))
        for i in data:
            tmp = i.split(',')
            if(len(i) > 0 and tmp[0] != 'Date'):
                tmp = [x if x != 'null' else None for x in tmp]
                prices.loc[len(prices)] = [tmp[0],tmp[5]]
        print("Could not download Yahoo data for " + adj_ticker)
    # Try to calculate summary statistics, exit if fail
        if(len(prices) > 5):
            prices.Date = pd.to_datetime(prices.Date)
            prices['Adj.Close'] = np.float64(prices['Adj.Close'])
            prices.index = prices.Date
            results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Ticker', 'Price_Date', 'Adj.Close', 'Daily Change', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY'])

            last_date = prices.last_valid_index()
            prior_date = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Day(days=1)

            start = prices.Date[0]

            week = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.Week(weekday=0)
            week = prices.index.get_loc(week,method='nearest')

            month = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BMonthBegin()
            month = prices.index.get_loc(month,method='nearest')

            year = last_date - pd.tseries.offsets.BYearBegin()
            year = prices.index.get_loc(year,method='nearest')

            close = prices.loc[last_date, 'Adj.Close']
            daily = round((close - prices.ix[prior_date,'Adj.Close'])/prices.ix[prior_date, 'Adj.Close']*100, 3)
            wtd = round((close - prices.ix[week, 'Adj.Close'])/prices.ix[week, 'Adj.Close']*100, 3)
            mtd = round((close - prices.ix[month, 'Adj.Close'])/prices.ix[month, 'Adj.Close']*100, 3)
            ytd = round((close - prices.ix[year, 'Adj.Close'])/prices.ix[year, 'Adj.Close']*100, 3)
            yoy = round((close - prices.ix[start, 'Adj.Close'])/prices.ix[start, 'Adj.Close']*100, 3)

            results.loc[len(results)]=[adj_ticker,last_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), close, daily, wtd, mtd, ytd, yoy ]
            return results
            return 'pass'
        return 'pass'

# Pull in all relevant data
renewables_analysis = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Ticker', 'Price_Date', 'Adj.Close', 'Daily Change', 'WTD', 'MTD', 'YTD', 'YoY'])
for t in symbols1.index:
    print("Adding data for %s" % symbols1.loc[t].adj_ticker)
    results = get_prices(symbols1.loc[t].adj_ticker,,6,9))
    if(type(results) != str):
        renewables_analysis.loc[len(renewables_analysis)] = results.loc[0]

Summary Plots

Now that we’ve pulled in all the data, we want to actually see if we can learn anything useful from it! As a first pass, I’m just going to look at various returns over the past year and see if anything pops up about certain sectors. Note that our dataset is quite small as the entire listed renewables sector isn’t massive, definitely significant work can be done here to expand this analysis to incorporate many more companies.

combined_data = renewables_analysis.merge(symbols1, left_on='Ticker', right_on = 'adj_ticker')
combined_data.groupby(['Company'])['YTD'].sum().sort_values(ascending=True).plot(kind='barh', figsize = (12,10))
plt.title("YTD Change in Stock Price for Renewables", fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel("YTD Change (%)")


A somewhat unsurprising result, we see that stocks in fuel cells have been doing very well over the past year.

combined_data.groupby(['Industry'])['YTD'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False).plot(kind='barh', figsize = (12,10))
plt.title("Average YTD Change in Stock Price for Renewable Subsectors", fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
plt.xlabel("Average YTD Change (%)")
